Sunday, August 29, 2010

Take My Soul (Trailer Review)

Well, Wes Craven has done it again. The creator Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream is off to the big screen again with his new horror film, "Take My Soul" Take a look.

Take My Soul Trailer

The movie begins with a very gloomy scenery in a rural town, (always the typical place for a horror film.) The fact that the guy is Asian is a surprising to me (me thinking he is the main character) until I find out he is killed off by a guy in a party city costume. So definitely the first flaw I point out are the cheesy horror costumes. They look like they were designed at party city. Come on Hollywood, you can do better than this.

Moreover, the cast do not seem to entice me into the film. The narrator's voice is too "acted" for me. It seems like a repeat of the cast from Avatar: the last Airbender = TERRIBLE ACTING.

In addition, I am quite confused on how they are going to explain this film. They seem to present too much of the plot in this trailer. Already from this trailer, I can figure out that the main character (the blond kid) is the actual killer in some paranormal way.

Finally, this film does not really excite me, it does not give me the goose bumps what so ever. It just seems to be a teen killer where you just see teens getting slayed one by one (like that isn't uncommon in your typical horror film nowadays).

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